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Intersections International is a New York-based non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to promoting justice, reconciliation and peace across lines of faith, culture, ideology, race, class, national borders and other boundaries that divide humanity. Founded in 2007, Intersections is a permanent multi-faith, multi-cultural effort of the Collegiate Churches of New York, the oldest corporation in North America, dating back to 1628.

Photos by Adjua Mantebea
A Delight Production © 2011
Robert Chase, Exec. Dir. Intersections & BiBi Russell, Social Intrepreneur and Fashion designerBiBi Russell, Social Intrepreneur and Fashion designer, Fred Johnson, Fellow & Arts Initiative, IntersectionsFred Johnson & Nurah Amatullah, Executive Director of the Muslim Women's Institute for Research and Development (MWIRD)Khasbu Alam plays tablaPartha Gupta plays keyboards.Rakesh on DrumsNew York Harmony performed Bengali Folk MusicNew York HarmonyThomas Bell & Shawn ChoyKashbu Alam on TablaRakesh on drumsShah Mahbubul singsShah Mahbubul singsShah Mahbubul & New York HarmonyPartha GuptaPartha Gupta, Kashbu Alam, RakeshShah, Partha, KhasbuBonding with Nurah AmatullahHugs & kissesKrashbu pays tapla